Daniel Fallshaw is a pioneering filmmaker combining traditional narrative with cutting-edge technologies like XR, VR, and AI. Creating thought-provoking media to shift the balance of power, his recent producer credits include the critically acclaimed interactive VR animation “Prison X” (Sundance, Cannes, SXSW) and the AR experience “Las Awichas” displayed in exhibition on London’s Strand, both projects directed and created by Violeta Ayala.

Fallshaw has produced powerful documentary films such as “La Lucha” (2023) which helped secure a disability pension in Bolivia and the controversial ‘Stolen’ that uncovered slavery in a UN monitored refugee camp, leading to the criminalisation of slavery in the Tindouf refugee camps. Fallshaw’s work drives social progress.

His work has premiered at A - list film festivals, screened in cinemas, and been broadcast around the world. In 2017, he won a Walkley Award for Best Camerawork for “The Fight,” which was also nominated for the IDA Best Short Documentary Award and was a finalist for the Rory Peck Awards.

Fallshaw’s most recent work, the feature documentary “La Lucha,” premiered at the Blackstar Film Festival and SXSW Sydney and will appear on PBS in July 2024. As a producer, his credits also include “Cocaine Prison” (2017), which premiered at the Toronto International Film Festival, won the Audience Award at Cinelatino in Toulouse, and was picked up by Amazon Prime and broadcast on PBS; “The Bolivian Case” (2015), which premiered at Hot Docs, screened at 40 international festivals, was broadcast in Colombia and Israel, nominated for Premios Platino and Premios Fenix, and was distributed across Latin America through public television; in 2009, Fallshaw co-directed, produced, shot, edited, and sold the controversial and award-winning documentary “Stolen” to PBS.

Fallshaw has pitched his work at major forums, including IDFA and Hot Docs. He has also presented and discussed his work on CNN with Christiane Amanpour and on PBS in the US.

Dan has studied science, education, communications and design. He holds an honors degree in communications from the University of Technology Sydney and Saint Martin’s College in London, a Bachelor of Science and Diploma in Education from Sydney University. He speaks Spanish and is a qualified science teacher.

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